Interested in the Bayou, was wondering if you had pictures. Also one of your ashnod's altars and your foil grim lavamancer. Let me know if we can work something out.

I'm interested in all foils and all fetches, japanese and english! I started a trade

Started a discussion

Interested in the fetches, started a trade


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Sent a trade

Do you need all those cards? I have two heaths and maybe could scrounge up a rhino or two.

Scans of the ring?


Do you have scans/pictures of the Clique?

Started a trade


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I am interested, started a trade

sent an offer

Any update on our trade?

Looking for all foil zendikar basics! Send me a trade

Also opened one


Look through my list, see if we can work something out. Thanks!

I started a discussion

Also sent you a message

I started a discussion

I sent you a trade

I'm about to have 10 forests, 10 islands, and 9 plains all unglued, and have one swamp and one mountain from unhinged, interested?

Hey I have some of that stuff, I sent you a trade

I have a Tundra plus some other stuff for your Volcanic Island?

Would you consider my Tundra + other things for your Volcanic Island?