
I recently created an Abzan outlast deck with the new Khans of Tarkir cards, and was wondering if other people could give me some advice.

I usually play with casual with some friends, and my deck fares pretty well, (about 50%-60% win rate,) but whenever anyone else is in town and joins us for the day, I get wrecked. They always bring in some awesome decks that they have spent years perfecting, that just wipes the floor with me. I'm looking for any way to improve my deck with cards that I already have in my deckbox inventory, but I have around $10 i'm willing to spend to improve my deck.

Thanks for any feedback you can give!

P.S. The deck is here: https://deckbox.org/sets/869501


(2 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Thanks for the advice, and to answer some of your questions, I will just be playing with some of my friends in casual play. We each chose some kind of game mechanic to base our decks off of, and we are all building as good a deck we can, that is based around a not so viable mechanic. Also, we have put a limit of $40 or less on our decks.
Another thing is that most of the creatures i put in my deck are walls, which in turn have synergy with Doorkeeper, which makes the opponent discard more of his deck. Also, the walls help keep me alive, as does the Elixir of Immortality. Thanks again for your help!

(updated the deck at the top.)


(2 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I was wondering if i could get some feedback on this deck I built, the main focus is about "Milling" your opponent down to zero cards in their deck, thus winning.

Updated Version of the deck:
1    Azorius Guildgate
3    Glacial Fortress
20  Island
2    Plains
1    Elixir of Immortality
2    Hedron Crab
1    Jace's Phantasm
4    Tome Scour
2    Doorkeeper
1    Illusionist's Bracers
2    Jace's Erasure
4    Millstone
2    Negate
1    Nullify
4    Pacifism
1    Ratchet Bomb
2    Guard Gomazoa
1    Wall of Air
1    Wall of Frost
2    Jace, Memory Adept
3    Jace's Mindseeker

Thanks for Your help!