
I need    *UPDATED *

3x Nightveil Specter

2x Temple of silence

Trading any thing on my trade list,  Thanks

TyWooOneTime wrote:

Not really the proper forum for this... moving to the Trading Post.

Idk what happened can you delete it all together ?

I need one of each

1x Elspeth but would take 2

1X Thoughseize

1x Blood Baron of Vizkopa

3x Nightveil Specter

2x Temple of silence

Trading any thing on my trade list,  Thanks


Hello I need

  High Priority
3: Thoughtseize
1: Heros Downfall
4: Temple of silence
1: Lifebane zombie
2: Blood baron of vizkopa

  Low Priority
1: Elspeth, suns champion
4: Nightveil Specter

I have play sets of Precinct Captin and soldier of Pantheon, but i might be looking for another playset of each.

I am willing to trade anything on my trade list, (Shock lands, Voice of resurgence  Domri and xenegos will be saved for cards on my high-priority list)


Hello I need    UPDATED

  High Priority
1: Thoughtseize
2: Temple of silence
1: Lifebane zombie
1: Blood baron of vizkopa
1: Elspeth, suns champion
3: Nightveil Specter

Low Priority

4: Precinct Captin
4: soldier of Pantheon
3: underworld connections

I have play sets of Precinct Captain and soldier of Pantheon, but i might be looking for another playset of each.

I am willing to trade anything on my trade list, (Shock lands, Voice of resurgence and xenegos will be saved for cards on my high-priority list)
