(3 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Hello forum!  Well... My wife and I are having another (Heated!) debate.  She attacked me with a 5/5 sliver that had trample.  I blocked with my 2/2 Deathgaze cockatrice which has deathtouch. My interpretation is that even though the sliver had 3 more toughness, because the sliver was killed by the deathtouch it negated the trample effect.  How can a dead creature continue an attack?

She feels I should still have taken 3 damage.

Can someone please help us with this debate?


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

That makes perfect sense!  My wife and I have been arguing this for days!!!  She was right! lol


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I am trying to figure out the difference between the effect of a +x/+y Counter and the effect of +x/+y.  I was under the impression that a counter increased (Or decreased) by the value of X/y each turn...  Can someone please clarify?


(1 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I just played a round in the Duels Of The Planeswalkers PC Game.  A LOT of wierd stuff happened and I don't know why.  I had a character with lifelink.  (4/4) In the combat phase I attacked the opponant.  The opponant blocked with a 1/1.  The encounter sent the 1/1 to the graveyard and I received 3 life, but my opponant did not take life damage....  How is that possible?  (Sorry if this question is too vague... Like I said, A LOT of weird stuff happened and I have only been playing for a week so I may have some trouble articulating the scenario...)


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

My wife and I have a debate regarding a sorcery card that grants 3 additional mana to the mana pool.  When I play the card, is this mana permanent for the game?  Or does it only last until the end of my turn?