Looking for fetches mostly.

also interested in:
mana drain

feel free to start trade ill look

I have a foil player rewards wasteland.

Looking for a bunch of shocks and or fetches. the newer ones preferred. Best offer gets it.

NM only please.

I am looking for duals, gofys, mana drain, older stuff. I have plenty of other stuff on my TL along with some possible trade stuff not on my list. feel free to ask.

have MMA gofy +tradelist.. am interested in chains if you are interested

what do you have the italian karakas at?


I have a NM Magic Player Rewards Wasteland + tradelist Looking to pick up duals.

Tropical Island (2)
Tundra (3)
Savannah (3)
bayou (1)
others.. not high priority but willing to entertain offers

I would prefer to get 2 Trop/Tundra.

what do you value the badlands at?


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have 2 i can trade. you wouldn't happen to have a cradle or wastelands for trade?

i have flats, verdants,1 linvala(from your wishlist), 1 nobel(wishlist) and i think 1 threads

take a look at my stuff. you dont have much on your wishlist smile


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I am interested in the stoneforge. Let me know if you see anything form my tradelist


(7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I am interested in your glimpse If you see enough on my tradelist

i have misties you can turn into tarns if you dont find the tarns

I have verdants and flats if your interested


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Looking for 3 Lilianas and duals I have some fetches and my tradelist.

i have :
hero's (3)
Auriok Champion (3)
Darien, King of Kjeldor (i think)
Felidar Sovereign (2)

hey i dont have many foils but i would be interested if you see anything on my tradelist

i have maelstrom thrun ( i think in a old deck) and pact. let me know if theres anything else your looking for


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have a Sealed FTV:20 i would like to trade it for a bunch of shocks. Will also consider other trades.


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I got a bunch of new stuff looking to make trades. if you see stuff you like let me know there is usualy always something i am interested in that might not be on my wishlist.

I would be interested in trading for the taiga if you are willing. if not not biggie.

I have one but the only high end stuff i have isn't on your want list.. gaea's cradle karakas fetches emrakul .. etc let me know if your interested in working something out

I have 2 shardless and a chineese vision but thats it

hey i have 2 inkmoths, kaalia, thoughtseize a 2nd coming in the mail.  would be interested in the mutavaults