Thanks again everybody.  I made some changes.  I can't really add red right now as I don't have the cards.  So I'm getting 2x Garruk to toss in, yanking Karametras, adding voyaging satyr, adding land, putting mistcutter and witchstalker into sideboard, added another bow, ordered another Nylea.

I just pulled a Boon Satyr, so tossing that in to take up some space while I wait for garruk. 

I really appreciate the input.  It sounds like I'm thinking of the right things, but don't have the cards to fulfill my ultimate goal at the moment.

I'll be staying mono Green devotion (I don't have all the duel lands) for the moment.  We'll see what the next set brings out.

Since the mono blue and black were so prevalent this go around, I'm hoping that green can be made better with the introduction of the next set.  Otherwise I'll need to invest in the dual lands.

What do people think about Simic with these green base cards.  I was eyeballing a couple ideas that revolved around the +1/+1 counters, which this deck has a lot of. 

Wish me luck in my first FNM tourney at my local shop tomorrow!  smile

Thanks again,
Jason / Whisky D

yes, thanks for the response.  I agree with everything you said. 

The only reason I'm doing mono-g at the moment is because I just happened to pull most of the spendy cards out of packs.  When I gather some dough to mutate it over that will be great.

I may end up tossing the burning-tree (4) in anyway, it sure it nice to be able to profit on nykthos turn 3 regardless, whenever it happens.

Gone is vastwood and deadbridge for a couple forests for starters. 

Thanks again, I'll deffinately be taking your comments to heart because what you say is true.


Hello there, I'm fairly new to MTG, and am starting to take my deck building seriously. 

I understand a few problems with this deck.  I just wanted to make sure that I'm thinking of the right things.

First of all, I have no removal.  I was thinking of putting in something that makes my big dudes fight opponents creatures. (I forget the names, but there's a few options in standard right now).  Either that, or toss in something like Enlarge.  I'd remove a couple of my one of's, probably the higher costing creatures even though I'm really hoping to go big.

Second thought, my four drop turn (usually turn 3), I'm torn between dropping Karametra's or Polukranos a lot.  I was wondering if this problem is solved by removing a Polukranos or two. 

I want to add another Nylea, removing another of the big hydras.

Will the addition of Voyaging Satyr help ramp by untapping Nykthos?

I really think this deck can use 3 or 4 Garruk, Caller of Beasts, would this be recommended?

I appreciate any criticism and advise.  Please feel free to tear me apart as I'm fairly new to the game, but am trying to learn.

I'd really like to keep this Mono Green Devotion, but if it just can't compete, then I'll probably go with an RG Monsters type of deck.

Thanks again,
Jason / Whisky D