(2 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Hello, I am building an EDH deck, and I would like your feedback. Here are the cards:
17    Forest
23    Plains
1    Seraph Sanctuary
2    Avacyn's Pilgrim
1    Bladed Bracers
1    Cathedral Sanctifier
1    Scroll of Avacyn
1    Ajani's Pridemate
1    Akroan Skyguard
2    Angelic Wall
2    Bonds of Faith
1    Celestial Flare
1    Divine Favor
2    Font of Vigor
1    Gather the Townsfolk
1    Glorious Charge
1    Nearheath Pilgrim
4    Pacifism
3    Serra Avenger
1    Titanic Growth
1    Attended Knight
1    Chapel Geist
2    Crusader of Odric
1    Emancipation Angel
1    Safe Passage
1    Angelic Accord
1    Angelic Benediction
2    Divine Verdict
1    Elgaud Inquisitor
1    Heliod, God of the Sun
2    Seraph of Dawn
1    Sublime Archangel
1    Ajani, Mentor of Heroes
1    Commander's Authority
2    Defy Death
1    Geist Trappers
2    Serra Angel
1    Sigarda, Host of Herons
1    Wildwood Geist
1    Aegis Angel
1    Planar Cleansing
1    Voice of the Provinces
1    Archangel
1    Devout Invocation
1    Risen Sanctuary
1    Touch of the Eternal
2    Trostani's Summoner

Oh, I am a huge noob at this, so don't be mean
Thanks for the help!