I looked quickly through your decklist, and it looks like a fun deck.  I will ask you what I have always been asked when looking for advice: What do you want your deck to do/how do you want to win?  This will help guide you on

I noticed you have only 22 land.  This can put you in a jam, based on the type of cards you have listed because your mana curve goes to 5 CMC (converted mana cost), you don't have much ramp, and some of your creatures have activation ability costs that may compete with you wanting to cast some of your instant spells.  I would suggest replacing Satyr Wayfinder (you have 5 listed, should only have max of 4)  for cards like Elvish Mystic, Lay of the Land, Mana bloom,  Gyre Sage, etc.

It's a green-black deck so beasties and death are your gravy.  I would suggest replacing some of your enchantments with some removal instant spells (bile blight, doom blade) as these can come in handy in a pinch rather than the slower cards like Fate unraveler.  She's cool, as she provides a body on the battlefield with the added bonus of 1 damage per card drawn, but it's a slow winning condition.

I wish I had more time to share thoughts, but I gotta go.  Let me know what you think, and I look forward to seeing your updated/final deck.