
Thanks all for the responses. I've made a new deck up i've kept all of the cards bar 2 to 3 or less mana with two having 4. I've bumped up the land cards to 13 each.

New deck is here: http://deckbox.org/sets/606416

Since I havn't played before I don't really know what style to play, at the moment I only want to learn to play and have a deck that isn't 'too' complicated.

Any comments on the new deck? keep in mind i'm only learning to play at this stage.

Hi all,

I'm new to MTG and i'm looking to make up a BG deck. I've tried to follow the rule of 9 excpt i'm short some cards so i've made up the best I can.

I'm not looking for a game winning deck but something i can play and not look too bad.

My inventory is here: http://deckbox.org/sets/604232

My deck is here: http://deckbox.org/sets/605331

I've only picked up a starter and fat pack. I'll grab some more boosters this weekend.

Thanks in advance,