Also filtering by friend would be amazing. Half of my play group is on Deckbox and I prefer to trade with them(locally). To do this I have to click on each of their pages to see what cards they have that are in my wishlist.


(21 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Thank you Shoe for that link. I am actually surprised that each card does not hold its own set data.

Awesome sebi, I look forward to seeing it.


(21 replies, posted in Site Discussion)


A friend and I love using deck box and are looking to build an android app to catalog cards automatically and we are wondering what sort of api is available to us. Are card images/names/sets readily available? We are mainly interested in MTG for right now but I would assume it would be possible to expand to other cards after we get a base app created

We have ambitions to catalog cards and spit the output into various formats, one most likely being a csv file. If the app is easily able to apply the cataloged cards to deck box with out having to navigate through the website that would be amazing. If not, we will get over it, adapt and overcome.

Thank you,


(197 replies, posted in Announcements)

Tenth addition shock is apparently going for $87

This is a sad change for deckbox, I hope it gets fixed soon