Sorry to hear that. I had to do some footwork. I live in the Dallas/FtWorth area and we are fortunate enough to get a healthy number of conventions that come through (CollectaCon was this past weekend). I was able to move the whole lot for 61.5% condition-corrected value. I had very little interest via internet leads, and the ones I did have weren't interested in the whole set, but wanted the whole set discount.
1 2023-05-08 21:52:01
Re: Seeking Purchaser for my entire Tradelist (14 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)
2 2023-05-08 01:47:51
Re: Seeking Purchaser for my entire Tradelist (14 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)
3 2023-02-06 01:25:56
Re: Seeking Purchaser for my entire Tradelist (14 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)
A friend told me about the site a few years ago. Personally I do not play as much as I used to so I would rather have the money and let someone enjoy the cards more than I do. I have had a few people reach out asking about the collection but not many people have that kind of cash sitting around so I would welcome trades as well. I play legacy mostly I think there will not be interest from standard or modern players for a majority of my collection which limits me to interested buyers. If you have more more standard or modern cards in your collection you might have better luck? Would you consider trades as well?
Yep, in the absence of an offer for the lot I will consider trades of all shapes and sizes. It's worth mentioning that only cash buys discounts, I'm not interested in offering significant discounts for trades.
4 2023-02-05 09:14:00
Re: Seeking Purchaser for my entire Tradelist (14 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)
Good luck with the sale I have been trying to do the same.
Pretty sure I've read your profile before. I've been looking for a Bayou for the longest and haven't had any luck trading for one. How long have you been looking/trying to sell your collection, and how would you grade general interest that you've come across?
5 2023-02-05 09:04:49
Re: Seeking Purchaser for my entire Tradelist (14 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)
UPDATE: I've completed a TCGplayer buylist sale (for ~67% TCGmarket price) that has reduced the value of the lot to ~$17,500. The same general dis methodology I've outlined above remains applicable, and will throughout the offer.
6 2023-02-03 19:08:47
Re: Seeking Purchaser for my entire Tradelist (14 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)
Of note - there are Reserved List cards throughout the lot. It seems like it people should pick up on it without having to say it, but I'll declare it anyway: RL cards not asking for premium, but offering at highly discounted rate.
7 2023-02-02 21:10:33
Re: Seeking Purchaser for my entire Tradelist (14 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)
Ideally I'm shooting for all or nothing, so an offer for all would take priority. However, I'm open to discussion around partial purchase in the absence of an offer.
8 2023-02-02 10:42:49
Topic: Seeking Purchaser for my entire Tradelist (14 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)
Hello all. I'm searching for a buyer for my full tradelist (~3900 cards, ~2100 distinct). The idea is to execute a win-win here. The buyer will get the lot at a discount that is generally very hard to find, and I don't have to grind through selling it piecemeal to eek out a few percentage points worth of dough. I wasn't able to find anything clear in Deckbox's sales terms regarding bulk collection sales, so if anyone has any extra info that is not present in the DB Market FAQs or guidance, please let me know ASAP. My TL in its entirety is valued at $17,663.50 (Deckbox market condition adjusted), $17.6k for simplicity. The lot value is distributed as follows:
UPDATED: 05.01.23
~$2800 (DB condition adjusted) of Cards > $100 each
~$7000 (DB condition adjusted) of Cards < $100 but > $10
~$7800 (DB condition adjusted) of Cards < $10
of the cards < $10, about $1600 worth are sub $2 cards. I'll give $1100 worth of discount to those cards right off the bat. That makes the starting price $16.5k before a bulk buying discount is applied. I'm asking for 75% DB market value of the $10 and over cards (.75 * $9,800 = $7350), and 45% DB market value of the remaining cards (.45 * ($7800-$1100)) = $3,015. This is a total of $10,365 which amounts to an effective bulk sale price of 58.9% of the original $17,600. Additionally, I'll split shipping and insurance costs with the buyer.
I'm happy to provide pics and any other information requested. The buyer will receive a perfectly organized and maintained lot of cards. 100% of the TL cards are currently sleeved, and are organized alphabetically by color (A-Z white, blue, black, red, green, multicolored, artifacts, lands) to allow for very quick location and retrieval.
Since I'm currently trading and shopping for buyers on multiple platforms, the tradelist can vary a fair amount, but will be completely maintained until I divest the entire TL. I sincerely hope someone is able to take advantage of this circumstance and score a sweet buy, and I don't have to BuyList all these cards!
9 2018-08-20 23:00:47
Re: Counterfeit Card Sent to Me (10 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Got it. Thanks for the replies all, just talking through it helped me solidify a real course of action aside from just wait-and-see.
10 2018-08-19 20:47:03
Re: Counterfeit Card Sent to Me (10 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I've contacted Deckbox for resolution from their side. As far as mailing it back, I can see not sending it back based on the legality of it (as mentioned above). I had considered marking the card in such a fashion as to identify it as counterfeit, but decided to wait for some "official" response from deckbox. Also included in the trade is a masterpiece (~$90) that is a real card, which to my mind lends some credence to his claim of not knowing the LED was a fake. After all, why not just set up a trade for just the LED if he was trying to peddle a fake?
11 2018-08-19 04:01:52
Re: Counterfeit Card Sent to Me (10 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Do you have any experience with this? I combed through deckbox's rules and trade related policies and as far as I could see most things are left to the traders to resolve accordingly and then the blatant transgressions are bubbled right up to mail fraud. I'm assuming there's all kind of grey area with trade ratings for users that deckbox uses for validating good/bad trades, but when it comes to a couple of users who get deckbox's services for free, what is deckbox's incentive to find an 'innocent' party in a conflict when they can just tab them both as scammers and maintain a solid integrity platform with zero loss?
12 2018-08-18 22:02:19
Topic: Counterfeit Card Sent to Me (10 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Hello all, looking for a bit of other perspectives here.
Set up a trade (~$360 value) involving some reserve list cards with a brand new deckbox user (2 trades to his/her name). Accordingly, I requested he send first and he complied.
Among the cards he sent was a Lion's Eye Diamond. Turns out the LED is a counterfeit. I let him know and his last communication all but explicitly stated he didn't know the LED was a fake. I stated I would extend him the benefit of the doubt since he was unaware of the condition, send him back the card, and stated we needed to adjust the trade accordingly. Since then (8/16/18), it's been radio silence. I WANT to approach this extending him the benefit of the doubt, but his lack of communications over the last couple of days coupled with his lack of a profile page and real name has me kind of wondering what to do. I would hate to be in his spot and unknowingly send somebody a fake LED as this would very well ruin my trading rep. Thinking of it from the scam perspective worries me more... say he goes and posts negative feedback on me saying he sent a real card and SAID it was fake and then sent him back a fake. That might as well ruin my trade cred because I only have 20 or so trades to my name. I'm not sure about anybody else, but I get a nice warm fuzzy when somebody has a 100% trade score with nothing but +1s.
Thoughts and advice are welcome!