(4 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I appreciate both of your inputs and opinions on the deck and I've heard the phrase "junk is worse than the sum of its parts" plenty of times now.

Here is another link to the deck: http://deckbox.org/sets/608936

I did make a few minor changes again before the PTQ.

It was a seven round PTQ and I was X-1 in the sixth in a "win-and-in" situation and I ended up losing. This was in part due to a huge misplay in game 2 (I lost game one) but I don't even know if I would have been able to win if I had not misplayed.

Again thank you both. If anyone would still like to contribute a comment do feel free to!


(4 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I'll be attending a PTQ this Saturday (tomorrow March 8th, 2014) and would like some constructive criticism on my deck: http://deckbox.org/sets/608936

Aside from the deck's largest flaw (it being three colors), it has performed very well for me over the past few months. I have made some recent changes to it and would just like to see what people think about the deck.

If anyone has suggestions/questions/answers I would appreciate them all!


(5 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Honestly I don't really enjoy playing Polukranos however, he does help my match ups against mono blue and R/G Monsters. He comes out completely in most other match ups, I could consider dropping one of him.

I also think Abrupt decay is arguably the best removal available in the current standard as it removes almost everything that is difficult to deal with in many of the T1 decks (Reckoner, Pack Rat, Underworld Connections, Detention Sphere, Nightveil Specter, Domri, the list goes on).

I would consider removing a Selesnya as the the main reason for playing it as a four of is to remove active gods and scary 5+ power monsters that many of my creatures just can't deal with.


(5 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I've always just been afraid to take that extra step and commit to Downfall, I certainly could try it out at my next FNM (taking out 2x Ultimate Price for 2x Downfall).

As for Obzedat, I'm not entirely sure what I would want to remove from the deck to play him nor do I have an idea of how many I would like to play. At most I would play him as a two of. I could possibly remove one Advent for one Obzedat?


(5 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Looking to get some opinions on my current Junk deck: http://deckbox.org/sets/608936

It is more of a Selesnya shell with a splash of black in order to deal with many of Selesnya's current downsides. The deck was also made to hate on the two most popular decks in standard right now; Mono-Blue Devotion and Mono-Black devotion.

Any suggestions would be appreciated!