It'd be nice to be able to get the 'real' ebay value of your cards instead of what retailers are marking the cards up as. does a good job keeping up to date with their prices, otherwise publishes a flat text file of reasonably current ebay average prices. It'd be handy if we had a toggle between what source we were using for card values.

Not high priority at all obviously, but would be nice (especially for trades).

Hey, love the site - definitely going to be very useful for me going forward.

One thing I was thinking about was the possibility of having different views for your inventory - right now it's 'all cards owned'. It'd be really useful to get views like 'all cards in decks' or even 'all cards not in decks'.

Not sure how much load this would put on the backend DB, but it'd be very useful if possible. I personally prefer to keep my decks and trades as completely separate things from my general collection, and this would help a ton in my organization.