(197 replies, posted in Announcements)

To start, I want to thank the Deckbox team for their development efforts. I work for a large software company out of the US, and understand and can relate to the immediate overreaction that most consumers have, regardless of how misguided, when hiccups occur.  The key point, whether anyone wants to admit it or not, is that the Deckbox team is providing us a free service, with an excellent ability to catalog, create, and peruse random deck ideas we create in our heads easily.  More so, they have not abandoned the site.  Most people/small person teams would give up after being legally "hammered" by a company like TCG, but they didn't.  They are continuing to work, and we, as their end users, should have a little faith in them.

We all at some point need to realize that a team of 3 members are going to have other responsibilities outside of developing a FREE site for all of the users to enjoy.  They do have bills, personal obligations, etc., that require attention, and I for one am in favor of giving them the time and breathing room to create a stable pricing solution.  They are correct, the Google ads would in no way provide a suitable income that could cover and justify the endless hours it must take to manage this site. Possibly having another job, plus spending hours to manage this site and STILL manage to live an enjoyable lifestyle? People are blind if they think that's possible for free.  If we take a look at whats been developed so far, and the ease of use, i think we should all look forward to the next iteration the team will provide! Perhaps they will bring an App developer online to provide us with a mobile based solution!

Congrats to the Deckbox team for what you have developed so far, and I for one, look forward to the changes and evolution to come!