1 2015-09-12 00:43:59
Topic: W: vesuva, cavern of souls H: list (0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
2 2015-05-07 17:08:53
Topic: W: snapcasters! H: foil ugin, liliana, tradelist (0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
my tradelist http://deckbox.org/sets/631197?s=i&o=d
really looking to get two more snapcasters, lemme know if we can make it happen!
3 2015-01-23 04:26:15
Topic: H: foil ugin W: clique and shocks (vents, pools, fountains) (0 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Hey trying to trade off this foil ugin. Looking for a clique and ~35 in shocklands