Ok, how about that?

If player A plays Witch Hag's Curse on unit controled by player B is player A still considered controling WHC and get loyality point towards dark elves from it?

Next question:

Can indirect damage be canceled? (eg. by thoughness)

If so, Reaper Bolt Thrower is kinda useless...

@down: that's a shame. hmm Nonetheless thank You for anwser.

Next question:

Scout Camp works with Ancient Map (allowing to find two quests instead of one) or with Dwarf Cannon Crew (and simillar cards, allowing to search six instead of five cards from top of deck)? Or, finally, it works in both cases?

PS: Topic getting fat ;P

As far as I can tell 0 is valid target. There is no restriction that you can use first action "only if a unit is questing here" so you could get PM even if you dont have a unit on that quest.
Though I guess they will errata it adding restriction about having unit questing or that the lowest cost is 1.

I have another question wink

If a player have 2xAncient Waystone in play, can he use its action twice in same turn (once per copy of card in play)?

Check the cards you want to remove or none if you want to remove everything. Then click "card actions" in left upper corner of inventory table. Scroll over the "remove" option and you get to choose: "selected items" or "everything". That seems to not need any explaination. wink


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

As you view your deck, look the upper right part of the site. Part that your interested in is "edit", scroll over it with your mouse and you will see menu. "Delete" option is just there.

As I got anwser so fast I just thought I might get another swift explaination big_smile

If a Dragon Prince enter battlefield where there are already two other units does the player get to keep all three of them or he must choose two that can stay in play?

As I get it (from the Nate's rulling explaining the matter of Greatswords unit) the unit is played (at that point its neighter in play nor in the hand of its owner) actions may be taken in response and then unit accualy enters play and it's forced, triggered action takes precedence. So if unit already entered play it must be taken in consideration for such effects as that one of DP or Moon Dragon etc.

PS: Didn't want to start a whole new topic.

Thank you, that explains everything. wink

So... it will be like that:

1. player's A turn begins
2. player A adds one token on one of his Dragon's Lair
   - as player A added token he may then (as card text specificaly indicates) remove two of them to search his deck and schuffle it
3. as player A took action player B have a chance to response with action, thus forming a action chain
   - if that happened, actions take precedence in LIFO manner (last in, first out)

And here is the question: player A can add action to the chain on normal therms (as a response to action taken by player B), can player's A action be the one provided by DL?

Hello everybody! wink

Two questions:

1. Can a player join a official tournament with cards in non-oryginal language (eg. polish)? Those could be identified by graphics or card numbers (in lower left corner of a card, next to battle pack icon) nonetheless it would be difficult and time consuming (i guess).

2. If a player have 2xDragon's Lair in play and so happens in one turn he will get two tokens on both of them, can he remove those tokens to search ten cards (instead of five) for a dragon or search five, shuffle deck and then again search five or, finally, its impossible to use it two times in one turn and he would have to wait to another turn with one of them.