Well, I hadn't actually completed any trades at the time of posting, but since then, I have notice varied results. Sometimes it automatically changes, sometimes it doesn't. Another related issue is the "Currently in a Trade" indicator. Sometimes it appears when a trade has only been proposed, sometimes it still doesn't appear even after a trade has been accepted (but before the cards are received). What's worse, the cards that DO have those indicators are in the same trades as others without the indicator.

Never mind, apologies.

When using the Spoiler mode to view lists, it would be helpful to have an indicator somewhere if the card is foiled. It's marked in the list view, but not the spoiler view, to my knowledge.

Can someone link me to the answer for this, because I'm sure it's been asked before:

After a trade is made, do the Wishlist and Inventories change accordingly, or do I have to manually change them?