(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Title says it all, I started out with UWr Control but now I'm switching into Kiki Control and that triple R is tough to hit.


Picked up a few chapels to make an esper control deck, then midway through switched to bant. If you want to trade more than just that, that'd be great, but I figured I'd see if I could interest anyone in starting up a trade. Thanks!

FTV Realms or Planar Chaos, foil would be nice but not necessary.

desymond wrote:

you can get them for 35 on ebay. just fyi

hmm, good point. I guess I should just wait a little longer or go ahead and try to sell the singles hmm thanks

I've got two complete Commander 2013 Mind Seize decks, including the original deck box and all cards, for sale for $45 each or $50 or so worth of cards in a trade. Message me or propose a trade if you're interested, I'm looking to move them soon. Thanks!

I'm retooling a couple standard decks before rotation and I'm looking to swap out all of the basics for full-art basics from Zendikar. I'm willing to give you just about any card in my inventory, and I have a lot of commons/uncommons/bulk rares that I haven't listed, so if you're looking for anything specific let me know and I'll see what I can do.