Keep up the good work Sebi! :-)
1 2017-03-16 15:43:02
Re: database: Modern Masters 2017 + other fixes (15 replies, posted in Announcements)
2 2014-10-09 14:58:27
Re: Average Deckbox Market Price (11 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
The formula has been changed and tweaked, and will continue to be changed and tweaked for a while. I am not comfortable discussing or publicizing it until I am sure it cannot be abused.
Thanks Sebi, this is what I was looking for in an answer to my question. Glad you're still doing the changing and tweaking. :-)
In the mean-time, what method would you recommend for doing research and pricing cards on deckbox?
3 2014-10-09 14:56:28
Re: Average Deckbox Market Price (11 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
It's not based on completed sale data. It's probably based on some weighted average of all the other indices out there. It's not transparent because the site got in trouble when it just used TCG low/mid pricing, and so if it turned out that these prices still played a role in Deckbox pricing then this issue could arise again. For all I know, they just take TCG mid prices and then throw in a noise parameter that follows a random walk with drift (okay, I doubt they do that.) If that were the case, though, there's no way that they'd disclose this.
Obviously this will lead to issues. If Rabblemaster is still at $15, that's one. More-broadly, I've noticed that a lot of format staples (shocklands, etc.) seem slightly-underpriced relative to TCG mid. But 75% of TCG mid seems like an outlier. Outliers will always exist, though.
You're not helping because you're not addressing my questions:
Why is the deckbox average NOT reflecting the current average market value of cards?
How is the deckbox average value calulated? (since my expectation is clearly not reality)
As I stated previously, I want to be able to do my market research and pricing on deckbox if at all possible. If I can't, it greatly decreases the speed/usability of pricing and selling my cards on deckbox.
The "lowest price" is a different issue that what I was bringing up in my original question ... but it is certainly a factor as I described due to non-store sellers setting their own prices.
4 2014-10-09 13:34:29
Re: Average Deckbox Market Price (11 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
So I guess my question then is what are the parameters for average price? If it is based off completed sale data it is not very useful as a gauge of what a card is currently worth.
My goal is not to undercut current sellers, it is to choose a reasonable price for my cards. When the deckbox "average" is essentially the best buylist price reported by, I don't think that is a responsible price point to list my cards for sale. I don't know the market well enough to price my cards without doing research ... and I was hoping to use deckbox's data rather than going elsewhere to do research every single card.
I would love to price my cards en-masse as you suggested ... but not at the expense of loosing large amounts of profit. Take goblin rabblemaster for example ... the average price is $15.95 ... pricing at the average would cause me to lose $4+ based on the current market value ($~20).
Given that the lowest price could easily be someone who is just not paying attention to shifts in the market, I'm not sure what metric on deckbox could be used when evaluating the correct market price for a card.
5 2014-10-08 15:38:05
Re: New to Selling (1 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)
How did you get your prices set? Upload a list / use site pricing tool / manual?
6 2014-10-08 14:55:18
Topic: Average Deckbox Market Price (11 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
I did a search for my topic subject and didn't turn much up ... I am seeing incorrect data for the Average Deckbox Market Price on some cards and I'm wondering whats up?
The first example I noticed:
Destructive Force shows in my inventory as $0.20 minimum deckbox price, while the average is $0.13. When I go to actually look at the card, only adventuresON has the card listed, and they have it at $0.20 and $0.29. Why then am I seeing $0.13 as the average market price?
Maybe I am just not understanding how average is being calculated but I assumed it would show me the average price of cards listed for sale.
If more examples are needed I can come back here and post them. Because of these inconsistencies I'm seeing, I'm basically manually pricing 50+ pages of my collection.
Other Examples...
I'm just going to stop adding them, theres obviously lots of cards with this issue.
Druid's Repository. Average price is showing as $0.13 while the minimum is $0.23, with the vast majority of copies at $0.24.
Bonehoard. Average price shows $0.14. Minimum shows $0.07. Actual lowest price is $0.24 (so a different issue there I assume) but average is displaying incorrectly as it should be be something in the $0.30 range.
Elemental Appeal. Average price shows $0.14 while the minimum is $0.20 (and the vast majority of copies are $0.20).
7 2014-08-14 18:22:11
Re: MM Goyf and a NM Force of Will (4 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)
I could do $250.
8 2014-08-12 13:17:25
Re: Bulk Remove Cards from Inventory (1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
9 2014-07-10 17:37:36
Topic: Bulk Remove Cards from Inventory (1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
I found a thread in 2010 that mentioned bulk removing cards from inventory, but it does not appear to work today.
It would be exceedingly useful to me to be able to just put in this list:
-1 Acquire
-2 Abhorrent Overlord
-1 Aegis Angel
and have that remove the number of cards from my inventory.
I am sure this would be useful for many others as well so I am surprised my thread search didn't turn up more results than that one from 2010.
10 2014-07-09 14:24:04
Topic: BUG: This card is present in your ongoing trades ... (1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
I am confused what triggers this message in my wishlist. Currently, I have many of the cards on the wishlist in ongoing trades, but only one of them is showing up with the icon and message: "this card is present in your ongoing trades. Click for details"
When I click the edit box for other cards on my list, and go to the trades tab, they are correctly showing as incoming ... they just don't get the icon.
I did try to search for this on the forum and couldn't find anyone else asking based on several keyword searches.
11 2014-04-23 19:23:53
Re: Open trade with matches already input (9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
I agree that this COULD be very nice and that in many situations it would be, but there is also potential for huge backfire. I've traded with plenty of people that had thousands of cards on their wistlist and tradelist. If this auto-fill feature had been implemented I would have to manually remove hundreds of cards on numerous different occasions. Again, I think it could be a good feature to have, but automatically adding ALL cards that match seems like a really bad way to implement it.
Maybe just a single button once you initiate a trade that would dump it all if you wanted it to then?
At this point I'm just brainstorming a really simple way to add this feature in lieu of some complex UI that would take time and effort to put together (when I'm sure the team has higher priorities at this point)
12 2014-04-23 19:06:18
Re: Open trade with matches already input (9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
This needs at least a little bit of manual interaction in populating the lists. Do you put in non-foils when you're looking for a foil, or a Beta version when you're just looking for any version of the card? Do you automatically list 80 cards when you just want a specific card in the trade? There is more work to implement this well than may be apparent.
I still think it could just take the closest match just like the trade matcher does. If it is the wrong version you can edit it. I would rather have 10 cards match automatically and have to edit one or two than have to manually input 10+ cards.
Certainly a nice UI would be sweet ... but in the interim simply dumping all the matches would be a nice help to putting together trades.
13 2014-04-21 16:05:04
Topic: FAQ - How to ship cards update (1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
I think you should update the how to ship part of the FAQ with current costs and a bit more detail:
Current cost: $1.93 (First Class Parcel Post, 3oz or less includes USPS tracking)
Paypal Shipping Link:
Bubble Envelopes in bulk are $0.10-$0.15 apiece from amazon.
When I first started trading buying padded envelopes was a huge annoyance for me and additional cost. Buying in bulk saves TON of money versus getting them at the store or at the post office. Can find in packs of 25, 50, 100 and beyond. Even the 25 packs are still a great deal versus buying in local store.
Simple things, but very helpful, especially since this is referenced on every confirmed trade page.
14 2014-04-18 06:20:45
Re: Noob question, can't find in FAQ (2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Yeah I'm just going through my first trade ... apparently it doesn't update until you report the cards have been received.
Would be nice to go ahead and apply changes so you could proceed with negotiating other trades more easily. Once addresses are confirmed, 99% of the time I want my lists updated then and there so I don't accidentally promise cards to someone else or negotiate for cards I'm already receiving in another trade.
Thanks for props on collection... I have probably put about 85% of my cards in. Couldn't believe what it was adding up to.
15 2014-04-18 05:08:29
Topic: Noob question, can't find in FAQ (2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
When you complete a trade, does it automatically update your inventory/wishlist with the outgoing and incoming cards? If not, that would be a really nice feature.
16 2014-04-17 20:19:42
Re: Open trade with matches already input (9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
It wouldn't necessarily need a UI ... just when you click to start a trade, just auto-fill the boxes with the cards from the page that shows your matches. THen you would just use the existing UI to remove any you didn't want.
I suppose it would be neat to have a button that would add them all but I think pre-filling them would make trading easier.
17 2014-04-16 23:11:19
Topic: Open trade with matches already input (9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Again, perhaps someone already suggested this but why not open trades with the cards that matched already in the offer? This would make creating the trade much quicker (even if you plan to remove some cards)
18 2014-04-16 23:09:13
Topic: Search for trades by volume of cards matched (0 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
I have some high end cards on my wishlist, this results in trade matches with loads of $$, but there are lots of cheaper cards I want to pickup for EDH.
I have to assume someone already suggested this (or maybe you can do it and I'm a noob) but it would be very nice to be able to sort potential trade partners by how many cards match up in the trade.