I know this thread is old, but I've run into the same thing with two cards and wasn't sure if it was a backend problem that just needed a bit of jogging:

Hymn to Tourach is listed at $0.00 on the listing page, but has a value when you look at the specific page (http://deckbox.org/mtg/Hymn%20to%20Tourach).  I also noticed for this card that the "Editions" has fallen empires 4 times (maybe corrupt data?).

The other card that's being listed at $0.00 on the listing page is Llawan, Cephalid Empress (http://deckbox.org/mtg/Llawan,%20Cephalid%20Empress).  This one also has price info on the specific page, and in this case there isn't anything funky in the editions.


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I just wanted to say first, I love the site.  I've just finished re-organizing and inputting my entire collection (hopefully not something I have to do again soon lol) and it was great.  I did have one comment though, as I added maybe a third to half of the cards on my iPad.  I was using an external keyboard, which made it much easier to type all the names, and I noticed pretty quickly that it wasn't auto-focusing on the card name textbox like it does in Chrome on my desktop.  Tab also wasn't working to choose a card using the awesome autocomplete feature thats been implemented (kudos by the way).  This made entering lots of cards slower and actually a little tiring as I'd have to:

1) Touch the textbox with my finger
2) Type the name
3) Touch the card I actually wanted (instead of hitting tab)
4) Tab over if I had more than one (which worked well)
5) Hit enter (which worked)
6) Back to 1

Not a huge problem obviously, just something I figured I'd mention as after putting a lot of cards, my arms were aching smile.