When selecting large groupings of cards via the check-boxes, it should be possible to edit the Edition, etc of the cards. It is a painstaking process having to go through the cards one-by-one to set up their information properly.

It's a bother, as I have a tendency to log ALL of my cards, with the exception of Mana. I will log my foil lands though, as who doesn't love shiny stuff xD


(6 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I play on occasion, but I'd be more likely to play if I knew more people.

Here's my username: erithus

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When imorting cards from a list, adding processing for extra strings pertaining to the condition of the card and its series would be ever so useful!

Definitely. Also, when adding cards from a list, adding processing for extra strings pertaining to the condition of the card and its series would be useful!