

sent you a trade


what the title says.  your fulminator mages (any version, I'm not picky) for my Lorwynn cryptic commands.


(12 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

How much would the whole deck go for? Also do you have a sb with it?

I want a single birthing pod haha for EDH, thought now would be the time to pick one up.  I guess I also have 6 copies of DTT to trade also...

Topic title.  I'm also interested in the random EDH staples or ones in U,B or R.

Hey I dont have any trades for you but I was wondering where you got your list? Im also making a marchesa edh deck but started with an mtgsalvation list.

Hey I got a ktk flooded strand I'm willing to trade for 2 foothills.  Hopefully we can work something out, I opened 2 boxes of Khans yesterday but haven't updated my trades yet.  Lemme know if theres any ktk cards you're looking for.

Like the title says, I'm looking for 4 scapeshift.  Looking to trade for them but I'm willing to outright buy them if you can give me a little discount.

Also looking to trade 2 regular Restoration Angels for the promo version, I'll add value if necessary.


I'm looking to pickup some shocks and RtR cards from you for Paypal if we can work something out.  Email me at: Chiefngc@gmail.com

I've got a Windswept Heath and a Stifle I'm looking to trade off

I'm looking for a a Flooded Strand mainly.  There are some cards in your tradelist.

I was interested in trading away a Kiki-Jiki (MMA or Kamigawa version) and a Windswept Heath (KTK) for a Snapcaster and Flooded strand.  We can work something out if I'm missing a dollar or two, just shoot me a trade.


(7 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Hey i sent you a trade, lemme know if it works