(6 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Thank you all for your help!


(6 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I feel like I need to backup and aplogize...and thank you for your help.   Everything you said, I understand and will take care in my posting.  Actually, I'm probably going to have to make a template for myself!

I rarely ever get a Friday night off, so I doubt I'll be playing at a local store any time soon.   
As for this deck, I own all of the cards that are in it.  I'd like to upgrade it for a few bucks, but don't want to spend $20 when part of this deck is going to go out of standard soon.  So I'll sideboard Fate Unraveler and replace them with Madcap Skills.

Sideboarding is completely new to me - and everything that I've read on it says there's no real science to it.  I feel like I'm going to remove the wrong cards when I need to sideboard...or not sideboard at all, which I know will kill my chances of winning.

Thanks again!


(6 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I think it's more like, I haven't built a deck since Invasion and I've only played 3 games since then.  I guess I don't really know the recipe for a 'good post', and I apologize.  The last time I played, we still used the term "Type II".  I don't even know what FNM is.  Is Tier 1 Standard?  Or is it "best deck and price doesn't matter"?  I think if you'd like this community to grow, you should help it grow, and teach them.  Not beat them with sarcasm, Mr. Moderator. 

It's definitely aggro, and I included Fate Unraveler to balance Master - in addition to pain seer.  I'd like to stay with the lands I have - because I know that Mutavaults would help, as everyone seems to want them right now.


(6 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Any comments, suggestions, concerns appreciated.
