(2 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

looks like a lot of fun.
My suggestion would be a little more on the spells side, control will take you over if u have no instants.
I think the mana ramp is good. i am diggin the eldrazi ( as always).
what exactly are you looking to do with the deck? if you have access to all colours, make sure you can get some of the best of each

Hey all, i have been playing for a few months now. Been loving edh, and mostly play fnm and kitchen table, but id love to try to get into standard, as it seems a little more competitive. Im posting to ask for help with my standard black and green deck. what are some budget options i could use to improve this deck?

Hey all!
I have been messing around with my festering newt/Black devo deck for a while.
It is very strong, winning around 90% of the games i play with it. It is casual, so has cards from many sets.
My only issue is, how do i make it 100%? I was thinking of dropping the festering newt/bogbrew witch/bubbling cauldron combo but if so what could i add to be more efficient? Im sure i could drop one or two of the flyers...
Let me know as it would be much appreciated,