(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

yearofglad wrote:

Based on this post:

https://deckbox.org/forum/viewtopic.php … 665#p88665

it's on the list of things to be done in the future but isn't currently possible.

Thanks. I hope they add this feature.

Is there any way to set a cards details in the deck section. For example, I have two Avenger of Zendikars, one foil one not. When I add that to my deck, it uses the non-foil price. Am I just missing something? Thanks.


(389 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

bactgudz wrote:
KazeCole wrote:

Magic the gathering cards with off prices.
- Foil Wargate is $5.00 not $500.
- Foil Kiki-Jiki the mirror breaker is $90 not $50.

You're correct on wargate, but $50 is way closer to the value for foil kiki (champions) than $90 given ebay, tcgplayer, and other sources

Not for a near mint one.  Please link me a near mint Kiki-Jiki going for $50.  I would buy that in a heart beat.


(389 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Magic the gathering cards with off prices.
- Foil Wargate is $5.00 not $500.
- Foil Kiki-Jiki the mirror breaker is $90 not $50.