How should we mark the alternate art cards from the Ugin packs given out at Fate Reforged pre-release?
EDIT: Seeing as though the pre-release promos aren't listed either, I'm guessing we're waiting on an update for this.
1 2015-01-19 22:28:36
Topic: Ugin Pack Alternate Art (1 replies, posted in Trading Post)
2 2014-12-19 14:14:58
Topic: Need advice on how to contact USPS. (1 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I have a trade open right now, where I shipped with insurance (provides tracking), and can see it got as far as leaving my counterpart's area sort facility last Thursday. However, in the full week since, it has not been scanned by his local post office, let alone delivered.
I tried calling USPS Customer Service on Monday to follow-up, but the stupid automated system wouldn't let me talk to a human. So, I tried the email option; the form spat out a friendly thank you for contacting us, a representative will reply to your message in 1 to 2 days. (Today is day 4.)
I had hoped to speak to someone, so maybe they'd check around, before I have to file the insurance claim. But, I guess that's not happening.
Has anybody here run into something similar with USPS?
Is there another way to contact them that I'm not seeing on the website?
Do they at least process insurance claims efficiently?
Thanks In Advance
3 2014-11-19 18:07:18
Re: Question About User Names (4 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Yep. That works.
FYI to anybody else wondering the same thing...
I contacted Sebi directly for this, but based on the CC line in his replies, it looks like the team email address is:; I suspect that may be the preferred point of contact for admin stuff.
NOTE: The change does not appear on previous posts you have made, but the link to your profile is the same for both names (as it should).
4 2014-11-19 17:56:27
Re: Question About User Names (4 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Sebi just updated it for me.
Just posting this to see if the new name shows.
6 2014-11-12 22:29:46
Topic: Question About User Names (4 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I use the "Login with Facebook" feature, and have just noticed my name doesn't appear here in the forums, but instead the random number the site apparently generated as my user name.
When I tried to change this in my profile, I saw a banner that closed to quick to read; all I caught was "you are not allowed to change your user name anymore".
Not a huge deal, more that I'm curious, but what's going on there?
7 2014-11-12 22:05:11
Re: Rules Question (6 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I thought about doing that, but the BTR Forum rules seem to suggest that's not acceptable.
Plus, when you factor in the weekend and postal holiday, there's still a chance that USPS actually has the package and just haven't delivered yet. (Starting to doubt this, though too soon to say for sure.)
But if this actually is a scam, I don't want proceedings muddled by any mistakes in the rules on my part.
So, that's why I've been hoping for clarification from a moderator.
8 2014-11-12 05:20:08
Re: Rules Question (6 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Both interesting and disturbing to know.
Any admins that can confirm/deny if I'd be in the right to post a BTR now?
9 2014-11-12 01:28:30
Topic: Rules Question (6 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I have a trade open right now, that was accepted just short of 3 weeks ago.
My cards were sent out promptly, and the other user confirmed he got them a few days later.
After about 2 weeks of lame excuses about not having time to send out his cards, he finally marked them as shipped about a week ago. (That part didn't bother me, I was in no rush, and do understand how busy life can be sometimes.)
As of today, I have not received the cards, but rule 4.2 says I need to wait a full 2 weeks for delivery.
So, I hadn't paid it much attention the past few days, figured I'd be patient and wait to see what happens.
However, I am just discovering tonight that the other user has since been flagged as a scammer.
Does rule 4.2 still apply in this case?
10 2014-08-06 15:37:50
Re: Card Values (9 replies, posted in General Discussion)
We do not use, or have any affiliation with TCGPlayer card values. We calculate a market price based on prices of sellers on our website and from Amazon.
Which cards are most problematic from the list you mention? I can take a look if there are some pricing errors.
OK. So basically, what you are suggesting is that DeckBox prices are vendor driven. Its ironic, considering that trading is a consumer level activity, but I can work with that.
As for which cards you might want to look at, the variance gets less pronounced as the value of the card increases. It would be infinitely less time consuming to point at anything at or under $1 as being problematic. But depending on how your data is being polled, that might be easier said than done.
I was asking more out of curiosity, not looking to make more work for you guys.
Thanks, for the clarification.
11 2014-08-06 15:23:45
Re: Card Values (9 replies, posted in General Discussion)
deckbox had a bit of a falling out with TCG and their pricing api. there's a thread somewhere with a lot of discussion about it not too long ago. prices were really wonky for a while but have normalized. sebi and the team are doing a pretty good job of keeping things close. So, credit/due there.
Oh, yeah. You can definitely tell they've put a lot of work into the site. No question there.
In your case i would explain it to your trade partner and if they still refuse then you're just dealing with a stubborn person that doesn't understand how magic card values actually work.
Confirms what I was thinking last night.
12 2014-08-06 15:02:19
Re: Card Values (9 replies, posted in General Discussion)
As an exercise, put his side into your cart on tcgplayer and use the cart optimizer to see what the actual shipped price for the lot would be across the optimal number of vendors (and then repeat for your side)...many times prices on low value cards are artificially low on tcgplayer because they are loss leaders and don't account for shipping. The administrative cost in cataloging, grading, pulling an order etc only is reflected if you look at an order involving the cards.
That's actually not correct. Most offers are clearly marked shipping included, and those that are not are also clearly marked what the shipping cost is. Lowest price + shipping (if any) = market price.
You are partially correct, regarding the use of the optimizer tool, in that minimum order from any vendor is $1. So, if you have selected any cards from a vendor that does not total the minimum amount you need to buy those cards from somebody else. The optimizer can fix that for you or you can do it manually. In either case, the variance is rarely more than +/- $1, which is in acceptable range. A variance of 50% to only one side of the deal, however, is not.
Also, the optimizer does not account for things like cards from specific sets, foil, promo cards, etc. It only matches by name of the card.
13 2014-08-06 04:30:23
Topic: Card Values (9 replies, posted in General Discussion)
How are the card values listed in the trade tool determined?
How often are they updated?
Most players consider the TCG price to be the defacto market value, and for mid to high value cards the prices DeckBox lists on trades is usually close enough.
However, for lower value cards most cards end up listing way higher than they should.
This is causing friction on a trade I am in the middle of right now.
On my side of the trade, the person I'm trading with is asking for various foils and promo cards I have.
And there, the DeckBox value is only about $3 over the TCG value, in total. (That part's fine.)
His side of the trade is a pile of Theros block uncommons and a few bulk rares, that he's trying to get rid of, and I need to complete my collection. (On the surface, should be a win-win.)
However, despite both sides of the trade showing as roughly equal, the TCG value of his side of the trade is short by $9 ($12 lower than the DeckBox value).
14 2014-08-05 02:02:22
Topic: Un-cancelling trades? (1 replies, posted in General Discussion)
While setting up a trade, I hit cancel on a trade by accident.
(Nothing agreed to, was just changing items/numbers on the proposal, when my mouse wandered to the corner.)
Most of the cards I wanted in the deal were listed on the cancelled trade.
Is there any way to undo the cancel, or do I need to start over from scratch?