Sent you a trade

Looking for merfolk stuff.

Damn. Is there anything else you'd be looking for? I need merfolk but already have traded the one karakas away that I have.

I have an FNM promo path, prerelease promo siege rhino, and I might have an abrupt decay. I need merfolk pieces


(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have necropotence and nev's disk.


(6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Ok mana crypt and wasteland for 1 verdant and 4x windswept heath?


(6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have a pack fresh mana crypt and wasteland. I'm interested in at least one verdant catacombs. Let me see if I can find anything else

I'm pretty sure I have 2x canopy 2x marsh and 2x crackling doom. Would you trade for Jace, vyrn prodigy? I have no idea if that's even as I'm on mobile but look through my list and see if we can work anything out.


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Notables haves
Oblivion sower x2
2x legendary drana
Canopy vista
B/w man lands
U/g man lands
Dragon master outcast
Akoum fireball x2
Promo Zada
Void winnower
And more


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Possibly. Throw out some ideas.


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Interested in nissa. Take a look at my list

Interested in nissa

Really looking for 2x non foil nissa. Need to complete my elves deck and I need 3 more. I'll think about what you have.

I don't really see anything from your list that I'm interested in.

Take a look at my tradelist and my inventory and let me know what you are interested in. I also have a pack foil Nissa that I may or may not trade for 2x normal Nissa. Thanks for looking

Some notable haves:
Dragonlord Ojutai and Atarka
pyro goggles
honored hierarch
dromokas command
all is dust
promo despoiler of souls
starfield of nyx
Kytheon and more!

I updated my trade list. Feel free to look through my inventory as well and see if there is anything you are interested in.

I'll update with what I have and send you a link

I have quite a few things you're looking for. I don't have them updated in my trade list though. I have 2x harbinger of tides one is promo, doomwakes, embermaw hellion, scab, and a few other things. Mostly interested in Lily.

Would you be interested in a Gideon for nissa?

SOrin for nissa?


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I want that delta sooooo bad but all I have is one sorin from your list lol if you look through my list and don't find anything else you'd be interested in for the foil delta would you trade sorin for foil dig?

Take a look through my inventory and let me know if you see anything. It's not 100% updated so if there is anything you want multiple of in Khans I can check and see what I have.

You looking for anything in khans?

Interested in sdcc planes walkers?

So far both deltas are in a trade. If anything falls through I will update.