(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I am looking to get a playset of Scalding Tarns and would love to work out a deal!  Depending on the cards I might be willing to trade a small/medium bit in your favor.  Let me know! Thanks!


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Really hoping to find some Mox Diamonds.  Depending on what's involved in the trade I might be willing to trade in your favor.

Looking to pick up a playset of Mox Diamonds.  Check out my tradelist.  Open up a trade and message me if you might be interested in taking a look at my inventory as I might consider letting go of some stuff out of there.


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I'm hoping to get at worst SP Bayous.  My U sea is around SP.


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Looking to trade my Underground Sea (Rev) + value to make up difference for your 2 Bayou (Rev).

Mainly looking to acquire some of the smaller foils:
1X Dark Depths FOIL
4X Crop Rotation FOIL
3X Ethersworn Canonist FOIL
4X Life from the Loam (Rav) FOIL
3X Thespian's Stage FOIL
2X Trinisphere FOIL
2X Tranquil Thicket (Ons) FOIL
1X Forest (Unhinged) FOIL
2X Taiga (FBB German)
1X Wooded Foothills (Ons) FOIL
1X Windswept Heath (Ons) FOIL

Let me know if you see any possibilities for a trade!