(150 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

qasur wrote:

Also, the "price" link is definitely off because it lists whatever it wants. I would rather it show the price of the actual Edition of the card listed (otherwise it's disingenuous for possible traders wanted to devalue your cards). I don't mind having to have a separate entry for each edition of a card I own as long as the prices match.

Most importantly though is that "Promo" be a type of "Edition" for a card, then have the different types be Foiled/Textless. Promo needs to be removed from "Properties" (become an Edition) and you can then slide "Signed" in as another type of "Property". Some players like Foreign/Signed while others loathe them. It would make searching and/or trading easier if you could easily know ahead of time what the cards were specifically.

I second this, the most (really only) annoying thing for me is to have the price of all my foils listed at their non foil price, or have all versions for which I have multiple editions of a card listed at the same price.

Another nitpicky thing: I use the export feature so I can use this list on other trading forums, and for my foreign cards, I'd prefer to have it output 'Japanese' or 'Chinese' in English rather than those words written in their respective languages. Maybe have an option to have everything output in whatever language the user speaks?

That said, great work, I've been looking for a tool like this for a while, and I can't wait to see the mobile version