(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Have a Liliana of the Veil that I would like to trade into an expedition.

Start up a trade if you're interested.


(0 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I have a gateway promo Fiery Temper, and I am also looking to finish out my Modern deck before GP Indianapolis.  Give my profile a look and I'm sure we can work something out.

As the title states I have thopter foundry from Commander 2013 and a Timespiral Ancestral Visions.

Looking for a few things right now:
Zendikar Fetches (Arid Mesa, Verdant Catacombs, etc.)
Survival of the Fittest
Sword of Fire and Ice
Sylvan Library
Arlinn Kord
...and many others.  Open a trade with me and we can probably work something out.

I am looking for a foil Odric, Lunarch Marshal and a foil Surrak Dragonclaw.  I would really like the prerelease promo versions, but I am also willing to look at trades for pack foils.

Some newer cards as well as a bunch of old ones.  I see that you have a lightning greaves as well that I would be interested in.  I'll start up a trade and we can discuss it there.

I am looking for a foil Odric, Lunarch Marshal and a foil Surrak Dragonclaw.  I would really like the prerelease promo versions, but I am also willing to look at trades for pack foils.

I oppose any restrictions that make it harder for new people to get into the site.  I have never had terrible experiences with this site, but I think that people need to realize that there is some risk trading with strangers online.  You can't eliminate that...

My wife recently made a General Tazri Commander deck.  However for Valentine's Day, I foiled the Ally cards in her deck.  This means we now have pretty much the entire deck in non foil versions.  If you were thinking about building an ally deck, let me know.  The (relevant) ally cards I have for trade are below.  I also have many of the common and uncommon allies.  I am not really looking for anything in particular; if you have things from my wishlist, great, if not, I would be willing to consider other offers.

Things I have:
General Tazri (of course)
Agadeem Occultist
Beastcaller Savant
Hagra Diaboloist
Halimar Excavator
Hero of Goma Fada
Jwari Shapeshifter
Kabira Evangel
Kazuul Warlord
Lantern Scout
Munda's Vanguard
Munda, Ambush Leader
Seagate Loremaster
Turntimber Ranger
Veteran Warleader
Living Death
March from the Tomb
Ally Encampment


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I am looking to pick up an expedition for her.  Hit me up.

I have the following
2x (MM2) Eldrazi Temple
2x Reality Smasher
1x Foil Reality Smasher
1x Eldrazi Mimic
4x Warping wail
4x Ghost quarter

I am also open to trading for stuff off of my wishlist, let me know and we can work something out.


(0 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I am looking for a Grand Prix Quebec City playmat from 2015 (Veteran Warleader).  If you have one that you are willing to part with I would like to trade for or purchase it from you.  Thank you!

I am looking for the Grand Prix Quebec City playmat from 2015.  It has Veteran Warleader on it and looks like this:

http://gamekeeper.ca/gpquebeccity/wp-co … c-city.png

If you have one you are willing to part with let me know and I would like to purchase or trade for it.



(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I was looking for a way to put checklist cards into my inventory (like tokens), but was unable to figure it out.  Is there a way to do this?


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I was starting to add my tokens to my database and I was trying to add checklist cards.  Is there any way to do this?

Thank you!

Looking for expeditions, preferably shock or fetch, but I am open to others.  I can also throw in some other stuff if you have one of the more expensive expeditions.


(20 replies, posted in Announcements)

On a completely random note, I don't believe that you have a filter by language option.  This would be helpful for me to see all of my Japanese cards or Spanish cards (and I think that would be pretty easy to implement).


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Curious as to what you are using them in...  Standard?  Modern?


(2 replies, posted in Commander Trading)

About how much in $/trade value are you looking for for this deck?

Hey I started playing back in Odyssey and I found out that the prerelease promo is date stamped with my birthday.  I didn't do prereleases back then (I was seven) so I never got one.  It is also only printed in Arabic (which they don't print Magic cards in normally), so you'll know it when you see it.  It's not valued at a whole lot, but I am looking for other stuff as well so if you have one, I would love to make it part of a trade.

Also my wife is looking to make a Ghave deck (EDH), so anything I don't have on my wishlist that should be in a Ghave deck feel free to offer me.


(5 replies, posted in Commander Trading)

Here's an idea: Play Ghave as the commander instead.  He's better.