Hey all.
I wanted some help to reduce the cards in this decks or if there is anything that would be good to add (Trostani or Growing Ranks)

Thanks again for the feedback
I'm going to keep Ring of Thine and add 1 more solemn offering just for the life gain and control it has so a total of 62 cards which is managable.. I'm currently waiting on some money to order the cards I don't have so I have iroas and aurelia etc. So thank you so much. Now I can try and compete and beat my brothers with this haha.


(PS. I might as well have this here as this is what i want my final red/white deck to be like.)

Thanks for the feedback. I think I'll keep this as a modern deck as I have a combo featuring Gisela along with some other cards.

When adding Lightning Bolt and Lightning Helix should there be cards from the instants and sorcery section that should be taken out e.g. searing spear?

Thanks again.

Hey everyone

I'm a casual player and I normally just play paper magic with my family but recently I've discovered some local tournaments and I wanted to build some decks so I can go and compete for fun. I wanted to know if there is anything I could do to make this deck better for standard or Modern play.


You can also see in the deck notes what cards I wish to add when I eventually get them.

Thanks everyone