Timber wrote:

I would suggest Lingering Souls as a better blocker than Pharika's Chosen and Dutiful Thrull.

I have Pharika's Chosen and Dutifull Thrull in the deck as early game cards. I was considering Nip Gwyllion as a replacement so I don't have to hope for a single mana type.

Timber wrote:

I think Oblivion Ring or Banishing Light would be better ways to buy time than the walls too.  Plus, those cards can protect you from Planeswalkers, artifacts and enchantments as well as creatures.

I like that idea. It helps balance color as well. My only concern is having too many enchantments. Which in my mind would make the deck too easy to counter. Would you take out Kingpin's Pet or a different card to make room?

Timber wrote:

Sorin, Lord of Innistrad might go really well in this deck too.  His Vampires can block and also threaten the win if you have your combo out.  He's worth slightly more than $5 though.

¢25 over $5 isn't too big. As long as there aren't 20 cards that go over price.

59700999 wrote:

hi another win condition you have is having  Exquisite Blood and Sanguine Bond out in the same time, it's an infinte damge combo. i think Vizkopa Guildmage would be good for you as well ans Wall of Limbs and maybe Soulmender.

As much as I would like it I'm not sure a judge would allow an infinite damage combo such as that.

Wall of Limbs is a really good idea, although I'm not sure what I would take out to put it in. I have Souls of the Faultless in because it will deter attacks because of its ability.

This is the deck I put together.  I plan on playing this mostly against friends and casual games, but I won't rule out taking it to a constructed event.
What I see as the win conditions of this deck are having Sanguine Bond out and playing Debt to the Deathless with whatever mana I can. An ideal first 4 turns would go: 1) play swamp, then pharika's chosen. 2) play plains, then Tithe Drinker. 3) play duel land, then either save mana for Go For The Throat or play either pharika's chosen or Dutiful thrull. 4) play another land, then souls of the faultless. To make this deck work I would like as many cards as possible to be less than $5, but as for the decks total cost I want to stay under $75.

I would love suggestions, advice, and input if you have any to offer.