...I can see MAYBE one turn slower than boggles...but this thing is quick. Turn 2 geist? or or or turn 2 Jenara followed by a turn 3 steel on it. Boggles seam cool and all, but doesn't do it for me. You get stuck with 1-3 maybe, creatures in an opening hand and pray to pull good enough auras to get around your opponent, who, mind you is playing goblins/tokens/affinity/pretty much anything creature based and just stacking up the blockers....no point IMO. I find daybreak coronet to be a huge joke.
Id like to make the geist a sure-win on turn 4...but also have backup in case an opponents turn 3 Volcanic fallout or whatever does its damage globally and kills the Geist.
Debating on switching out Oozes or Archangels for Invisible Stalkers. Also take out Probes and slap in Unflinching Courages. Courages can be attached to dam near anything in the deck, especially on invisible stalkers, but also help if late game only pulls BoP or Noble...easily attach the aura to swing.
Taking out 2 spellskites from the SB...what should replace it? Possible board wipe? Hurkyls?