(4 replies, posted in Foil Traders)



(4 replies, posted in Foil Traders)



(4 replies, posted in Foil Traders)


Packed this at the prerelease. looking for same value in tarkir fetches (mainly windswept heaths and wooded foothills), shocklands and other things on my wishlist.

Ideally want to trade within Europe to cut on shipping and import duty.

i'm looking for mainly an equal value of return to ravnica block shock lands and would like to keep the trade within europe if possible but will trade out of there if the deal is good enough.
The lands i'm looking for, in the order of how much i want them are:
Stomping Ground
Sacred Foundry
Steam Vents
Breeding Pool

as title says, looking for playset of either version. UK trader is preferred.