Yes I would be looking to just use cards that I currently own

No particular format as I only really play against friends not when being standard or modern etc really matters.

It's not that I'm being lazy I just hoping to find a decent deck from what I have.

Title pretty much explains it all. Basically I'm looking for help making the best deck out of the cards I currently own. Personally I feel I went a lil mad with the purchasing of cards and am now looking to get a deck together then sell what I have left over.

This is a link to my collection.

Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.


(2 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Hi that would be great. Just wanna make the most of the cards I have.


(2 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Would someone be willing to look threw collection and help my create a couple of decks??

Primarily looking to play Green/White as my main deck. But more then open to getting some use from the other colour cards I have.

My collection -

Currently running this Green/White deck -