(19 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

The minimum level of functionality required is to show how much it costs to buy a card. After that, I can see how it would be important for sellers to be able to show how bulk orders can lower the cost of shipping. There are ways both concerns can be met, but the first is most important. The way it is now creates incentive to list free or low shipping, then raise it in the checkout page.

That being said, I have to retract the statement "It's not just a few sellers either, it's like every seller." I did a wider range of searches and it's not as prevalent as I initially thought. Any listing with $0 shipping is pretty much guaranteed NOT to have free shipping, but the majority of postings seem to have legitimate costs. Once you learn that "rule" It's not so bad, but it's still a problem, because when it happens to the buyer it's frustrating and drives them away, and other sellers are overlooked due to their apparent higher shipping.

I don't know if this has been discussed, I didn't see anything on the first two pages.

The way shipping prices are currently set up is completely misleading. I am recently in the market for some new cards and I usually check eb*****,  tcg*****, trol*****, ama*****, goo***** (redacted to be friendly towards deckbox)... etc etc. I decided to add deckbox to my list of sites I check.

I can't buy anything here, because I can't make an informed decision as to what the total price of cards will be. Your sellers are abusing the shipping rates, offering free shipping which show up as $0 in the price list, but when you get two pages further in on checkout its "with 200+ cards" and lowest shipping is $2.00 white envelope at buyers risk. It's not just a few sellers either, it's like every seller. Sorry, I consider this predatory pricing that reminds me of the bad old days of buying online before shipping was enforced by the big retailers. In this day and age it's unacceptable, and all the sites I alluded to above have shipping shown while browsing and it doesn't change on you.

I found one seller that was priced a good $4 below average but lowest shipping was $8 shipping. Is this some kind of joke? I don't think this is that hard of a problem, the default shipping shown should be "minimum price to purchase soley this item".


I know what you mean. I played in a small tourney one weekend so I built a UB tendrils deck by pulling around 5 cards from 12 other decks. It took forever to rebuild my decks because I couldn't remember what came from where smile

For that very reason though, the idea of marking a deck built or unbuilt seems wrong to me. In this case, the tendrils deck is the one that is Built, and until I put the cards back the other 12 are really Unbuilt. In a perfect world, the state of the deck is not based on an arbitrary flag, but rather the inclusion (or not) of cards from inventory. Just because you have cards in your inventory does not mean those cards are in a deck, that could be another step. Then a built deck is any deck with all 60 cards allocated from inventory, and an unbuilt deck would have a list of 60 cards but not all are allocated for whatever reason (not available from inventory, or pulled to another deck?). Then you are no longer flipping deck statuses - you are tracking your cards through the decklists.

Also, in response to surial, I don't think tagging is the solution to this problem because each card can exist among any number of labels/tags. For example, I might have 4 of a card, all 4 of which are promised to Mike, 2 of which are in two separate decks, the remaining available in my inventory. While tagging helps track my Promise to Mike, it doesn't locate which of my two decks have the card in it so I can pull them and give them to Mike.

In my opinion this is three separate requests and map to three phases of development.

Phase 1: Allow cards in inventory to be queried for (your) decks that contain them

Phase 2: Add to the inventory a "Total Used" (in your decks)

Phase 3: Track currently Built/Unbuilt decks, in inventory calculate running total (number that are "Available for Use")

I think the majority of deckbuilders would find 1st to be convenient, a smaller but still large subset would intuitively use the 2nd, and the smallest subset might take full advantage of the 3rd. That being the case, it makes sense to incrementally add the three features. Granted, the 3rd sorta supersedes 2nd, in that you probably would not carry both Total Used and Number Available fields, since it's simple math to determine one from the other...

However even the first phase solves many problems because its hard to click on every one of our decks looking for a certain card until all four (or more) are located.

I parsed a string into an array, and then outputted the array with commas inserted. The commonality is that your 50 table normalized database returns queries as... arrays. It would actually be easier, except that it's clear you have additional functionality in mind. Therefore, I think the point is made on both sides.

And despite my playing devils advocate, I enjoy the site and already have all my decks listed on here. Any and all improvement is a great thing.

Me and my shiny new "Deckbox 2 CSV" converter disagree with you.


I couldn't access your database so I had to write a parser, not just and exporter. Of course I've never seen your codebase, maybe your tools take longer to use. Do you use PHP? In PHP the applicable part for you would be:

public function printCsv() {
        header('Content-Type: text/csv');
        header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Deck.csv"');

        echo 'quantity,name,sideboard'."\r\n";

        foreach ($this->getCardList() as $card) {
            echo '"'.$card['quantity'].'","'.$card['name'].'",""'."\r\n";

        foreach ($this->getSideBoard() as $card) {
            echo '"'.$card['quantity'].'","'.$card['name'].'","YES"'."\r\n";

where $this->getCardList() and $this->getSideBoard() return an array of cards.

Anyway, looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

As a php developer I can tell you it would take about 5 minutes to write an export to csv function, and another 5 minutes to integrate it into the front end. That said, it's probably not priority one for the developers because you can already export your card list using the print option, which is almost as easy to parse as csv.

like google docs share feature.

Just to be clear, this is not a request to tie inventory quantities to decks. This would only show which decks use a card, not "how many cards do I have left?". I think the latter could cause problems (retired decks throwing the count, etc.) although a total number of cards utilized may be of some limited use. In any case, that's a separate issue.

The main problem I have in regards to inventory management is figuring out which of my decks are utilizing one of my limited number of cards. For example, I know my Tundras and Flooded Strands are split up amongst my 5 decks that run white and blue, but how many and in which? Other cards this would be a boon with are artifact accelerants, search cards, and other utility cards that need to be assigned and used efficiently.

So if someone needed to co-opt a Demonic Tutor for a new deck, they can see where and how they are currently utilized, and be able to decide where to substitute a Diabolic Tutor.

I think the best way to implement this would be an action on the card in the inventory that would lead to a page showing which decks have it and how many.