(9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

So that's basically what I was thinking with minimum prices per shipping option. If your order is <$1, you can't do tracking, but you can still do plain white envelope, for example.

I think sebi's point still stands there though because some sellers could literally just not offer a shipping option with no minimum.

This is probably dangerous, but maybe create a shipping option that's always there for everyone and can't be disabled, which would be up to 6 cards in a PWE with no minimum, priced at like 50 cents (current cost of a stamp plus a few pennies for an envelope)? I know it's getting into gray area with creating something that sellers have to offer, but it also seems like a reasonable option to have anyway. Obviously this only works in the US, maybe Canada (not sure what their post is like), but that's probably the majority of buyers and sellers anyway.

Alternatively you could just encourage people to offer that option without requiring it. Sure, some sellers will just set a minimum order value on everything. The thing is, some sellers already do that anyway. They just write in their profile that they don't do orders under $5, for example, and then just cancel and refund anything else. It's just more of a headache for everyone. Or, as I mentioned, they'll just set a higher shipping cost, since that can't be avoided, and then apply discounts.

Ultimately I think that sellers that run into this problem frequently enough will find a way around it anyway, but it would be nice to have an officially supported way that reduces the headache for everyone involved.


(9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

So I don't know if this has been brought up before, but I think it would be quite helpful to be able to set a minimum order value as a seller.

What's happened to me a few times is someone will buy 25 cents worth of cards, then pay 2.50 for shipping+tracking. Their money, so if they want to do that, good on them. The problem is, PayPal has no way of differentiating what part of a cost was actual "profit" per se, so they just charge their cut based on the whole thing, so I actually end up losing money, not to mention wasting my time.

I've seen some users get around this by just setting  an unnecessarily high shipping cost, and then discounting orders that are large enough, but that seems really roundabout and troublesome.

Would be great to just have the option of setting a minimum order price. Or, even better, do it as part of the shipping options - i.e. where you set maximum card counts for various shipping options, also set a minimum value, so if someone's order is below the minimum they simply won't be able to select a particular shipping option.



(20 replies, posted in Announcements)

Tawnos wrote:

This is available with a pro account.

Well now I just feel silly. Thanks!


(20 replies, posted in Announcements)

As always, awesome work!

Had a thought about a future functionality though: ability to just add all cards from a pre-built sealed product (Commander, Duel Decks, etc.) to your inventory. For example I've bought the full set of C15, but at this point pretty much have to add it all in card by card, and hopefully remember that there are 3 Lightning Greaves across the 5 decks.
Alternately, the option to "view text card list" in the full card database, given your current filters, would allow a rudimentary version of that.
Not sure how difficult this would be, just food for thought!