Two feature requests/suggestions:
1. An easier/faster way to remove cards from your inventory or tradelist.

Currently you have to search for a card, then change its quanitity to 0. It would be better if there were a function similar to the import function, where you just type in the card's name, press enter, and it is removed from the list you are editing.

2. The ability to add cards directly to a trade that are not currently in your inventory. Currently if you want to do this, you have to add the card to your inventory, then go to the trade window and add it to the trade. It would be better if you could just do this in one step. Maybe there could be a checkbox next to the "card name (from the tradelist)" box that says "only search tradelist" that toggles whether you are only searching your tradelist (checked), or can import new cards directly into the trade (unchecked).

The "Approximate price for all cards [user] needs from you" function at the bottom of another user's profile is not always accurate. It seems to disregard the amount of each card they actually want. e.g. If you have 4 of a $0.25 card, and your partner wants 1 of them, it will show $1.00 as the approximate price. (I'm not sure if that's exactly what the bug is, but the total price is definitely not accurate in a lot of cases.)

Another related issue: searching for people who want the non-foil version of a specific card will return users who only want the foil version of the card, and vice versa. This isn't very helpful, as it's usually not what you or the other person are looking for.

Depending on how you search for trades with a specific card, you get a differing amount of results.

If you do a card search for deflecting palm, then click "find users who need it", you are linked to ( … #wid=14644). If you go to "trading opportunities" and apply a filter for "wishlist has deflecting palm", you get a different number of results. For me, the 1st method returns 25 people, the 2nd method returns 5.


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

In the finished trades list, there should be some sort of icon next to trades that you haven't left feedback for, to remind you to leave feedback. Currently it's kinda easy to forget, since there's no indication in the tradelist for the person that's 2nd to leave feedback.

I hope this gets implemented, I've wanted this as well.

In cases where someone wants to leave negative/neutral feedback, they might hesitate because they are worried that the other person will leave them negative/neutral feedback in retaliation. It might be useful to hide the feedback given on an individual trade until both participants have left their feedback in order to prevent this.

Oftentimes you are looking for a card/cards of a certain value to balance a trade. It would be useful to have a filter to only show cards in a certain price/value range. i.e. show all cards with price < 3$.

For smaller trades, it often doesn't make sense to purchase tracking given the cost (1.93$ for a 5$ trade). If you send a package without tracking, what defense do you have if someone claims non-receipt? Can you at least leave neutral feedback telling what happened?

What about if you do use tracking, but the person claimed to have opened the package and seen nothing, or claimed that you sent them basic lands?

Why doesn't deckbox use Tcgplayer median for pricing? It seems like a more accurate and reliable pricing source than deckbox market prices.