Two feature requests/suggestions:
1. An easier/faster way to remove cards from your inventory or tradelist.
Currently you have to search for a card, then change its quanitity to 0. It would be better if there were a function similar to the import function, where you just type in the card's name, press enter, and it is removed from the list you are editing.
2. The ability to add cards directly to a trade that are not currently in your inventory. Currently if you want to do this, you have to add the card to your inventory, then go to the trade window and add it to the trade. It would be better if you could just do this in one step. Maybe there could be a checkbox next to the "card name (from the tradelist)" box that says "only search tradelist" that toggles whether you are only searching your tradelist (checked), or can import new cards directly into the trade (unchecked).