(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

THANK YOU! It worked smile


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

"Errors have been found while checking the CSV file. The errors are shown below. Please fix them and try to check the file again."

Card names are shown in the file with wrong letters. I tried to remove them from the file, but then different error occures:

"Error: The server encountered a problem trying to import your file. Please check that it is a plaintext csv file and try again."

I saved a file CSV but Exel says some of it's features may change when saving the file as a CSV.

I don't know what to do, it's the same list that someone else has alreay listed and I'd like to copy it, because I bought his cards. I just need the old copy of the list, without any changes, but it doesn't work even somebody has already added the same file.

There's a attachment in this message with the original list in it.

Here's the list of errors:
"Errors have been found while checking the CSV file. The errors are shown below. Please fix them and try to check the file again.
Count     Tradelist Count     Name     Foil     Textless     Promo     Signed     Edition     Condition     Language
9     0     Dandn                     Arabian Nights     Near Mint     English    
6     0     Ghazbn Ogre                     Fifth Edition     Near Mint     English    
1     0     Ghazbn Ogress                     Unglued     Near Mint     English    
2     0     Legions of Lim-Dl                     Ice Age     Near Mint     English    
5     0     Lim-Dl's Cohort                     Ice Age     Near Mint     English    
3     0     Lim-Dl's Hex                     Ice Age     Near Mint     English    
2     0     Lim-Dl's Paladin                     Alliances     Near Mint     English    
1     0     Lim-Dl's Vault                     Alliances     Near Mint     English    
1     0     Mrton Stromgald                     Ice Age     Near Mint     English"

Thank you!