Now that is funny I did entertain the thought of doing a Squirrel deck, but it was just not going to work for a commander deck. How ever, if I only keep it to soldiers white is great but the not only green for my other spells, red has some good enchantments and creatures for solders. ex: Assemble the Legion and Keldon Warlord. Gate crashers put out some good Soldier cards red/white with and without battalion That's why I'm looking for white, green, and red commander suggestions. And on the cheap side too, making Rhys the Redeemed and Trostani, Selesnya's voice good for the tokens.

I do have that on my list. I even thought of using Rhys the Redeemed

Ok, so here the deals. I can make great decks. But I was asked to make this deck for my little cousin that is just starting out. I asked what he was looking for and he said a token or a life deck. Well, both can be made in a flash. But the more I looked through cards, I found that a token/life commander deck would be kick ass for him. G and W seem to be the colors that stick out the most, but i would like to throw some R and U in there to. I need a good commander that is token or life base or even a good pumper for the controller and G,W,R and U.