(19 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Hello everybody!  I'm just going to preface this post with this fact: I've played MTG for years and years, but I've never really played Standard before, it has always been casual, whatever goes type stuff.  I'm not looking to be crazily competitive, beating down the best of the best decks, but I do want something that at least has the possibility of holding its own.  Additionally, I didn't want to buy a bunch of cards that were just going to rotate out in a matter of months.  And, of course, I mainly just want to have fun.

So, I decided to throw something together using a card that I always thought could play interestingly, but I haven't really seen used too much, Druids' Repository.
Basically, the idea I came up with is to hopefully get the Repository out as quickly as possible and then use a lot of dispensable creatures and attack like crazy to get out some really big stuff, really quickly.

Here's the deck. (Ignore the sideboard, it's just other ideas I was working with)

Ideal play would probably be something like this:
T1: Forest, Birds
T2: Forest, Young Wolf, Strangleroot Geist
T3: Land, Repository, Attack (+2 on Repo), Repo
T4: Land, Geist, Attack w/everything (+4/Repo), Avacyn/Griselbrand

I also have some Thatcher Revolts in there, for some big mana swings with multiple Repositories out.  As well as some other creatures that make it hard to block, so I don't have to worry so much about blindly attacking with everything (including the Birds).  And, lastly, I have Garruk Relentless in there for big creature tutoring and easy creature generation and the single Primal Surge in there just for fun.

At this point I'm sitting just above 60 cards, and I'm not sure what else to add/remove.  Like I said, I've never played Standard before, so any insight would be great.


Just send you a trade with a Threads and some Goblins.


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

You can do this through the Card Database and its Filters (Advanced Search).

For example, here is a list of all of the Avacyn Restored cards, sorted by Name.
The left most column is how many of that card you have in your inventory, and you can also sort on this column so that you can see which cards you do not have yet.


(19 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

fistyke wrote:
TyWooOneTime wrote:

Day of Judgement could be fun, but only if you manage to flicker your important creatures when it hits.

If you thought about responding to DOJ with flicker that trick doesn't work, because flicker spells resolve entirely before doj, and then doj sweeps the battlefield. (Except of course Venser, he brings back the permanent EOT)

You could actually flicker a Glimmerpoint Stag any number of times in response and target one of your creatures w/ it's ETB.