Check out my trade list and wish list for stuffs.

I would like to acquire 2 Brimaz and 4 Chained to the Rocks, preferably shipped today or tomorrow by priority mail so I can have them by FNM. Thank you!

EDIT: Got what I needed, thank you!

Help me out guys!! Take a look at my wish list. smile trying to get this done in the least amount of trades possible.


Help me out guys! I have a few nice things for you if you want to look at my wishlist and work out a deal with me!!

I only need a few more things for my Jeskai tokens deck! Let's make some sort of deal!

Check my trade and wish list for more!. Looking for the cards I need to switch over my Jeskai heroic to the Jeskai tokens deck. I'm hoping to get all these trades complete by the time FNM rolls around!! Let's make a deal. smile

Check out my trade list and see if we can work something out! Trying to get these by December 5th.

Check out my trade list and wish list and see if there is anything we can work out!!! I probably won't be able to check back until Sunday morning so I look forward to seeing what everyone has!!!

My girlfriend wants to play Red Deck Wins this upcoming FNM so let's get these trades done quickly so we can enter together and I will be a happy camper!! Check my wishlist! There are also some commons/uncommons/junk rares I need too that aren't on my wishlist!

My main haves:

FOIL Sylvan Caryatid
Mana Confluence
3x Sylvan Caryatid

...and more! Let's make a deal ;p

Edit: Removed cards already traded.

I think I've been screwed out of trade and now need 4 Caryatids by game day and may even be willing to trade down! Help a brother out! smile

I have lots to trade! I would like to have these cards by the end of next week.

I have lots of rares and I need one more Windswept Heath, 3 Yavimaya Coast and some commons and uncommons on my wish list!!! Shoot me a trade!

I no longer have the foil Wingmate Roc for anyone browsing.

Might try and make use of both but Astral Cornucopia has the added benefit of giving towards my mana pool if needed while Briber's Purse has no other purpose except to function as the free artifact.

Going for standard. All the cards I need are on my wish list.


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Do you still need Sorin, Solemn Visitor? I have one. I'm looking for Mana Confluence, Windswept Heath, Jeskai Ascendancy, etc...

Check out my trade list and wish list for more. Basically looking for pieces for a Jeskai Ascendancy Combo deck.