I have some Chains and Pyroblasts if you are interested. I am mainly looking to trade for 2015 core cards. I'll check through your lists and see if there's a trde possible if you're up for it.
2 2015-02-10 21:01:41
Re: Help me build my EDH Cube! (4 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Still haven't posted a wishlist. I will probably just do that tonight so I can get the trading started on the site. Thanks.
EDIT: I think I may have jacked up. Took a look at your wishlist; I did have some of the tutors but sold those things off.
So is your cube list stuff you already have? Because damn, that's most impressive.
3 2015-02-10 16:56:45
Re: Help me build my EDH Cube! (4 replies, posted in Trading Post)
I have some revised cards in your EDH wishlist. I too would like to start trading and getting a rep here.:D
I will contact you this evening when I have my cards in front of me. How are you on 2015 cards? That's really where I am looking to get cards; I have just gotten back into the game and really only want to limit myself to that core set. Weird huh?
4 2015-01-28 16:39:59
Re: Lots of older cards for sale (1 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)
It looks like I officially have two Karakas Italians for sale.
5 2015-01-25 16:03:02
Topic: Lots of older cards for sale (1 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)
I have been selling off my collection from the 1990s. Currently I have Legends, Italian Legends, Antiquities and Revised and Unlimited cards left, plus some other random cards.
Of my Revised, I have a full set minus the dual lands (sorry). All of my cards were pretty much players sets, so there are a lot of multiples. All have been played in sleeves, so the majority of them are actually M/NM.
I'll finish putting cards up on my inventory, but you can see the start of it by visiting my page. I have a huge number of Italian Legends that aren't up, especially the gold legends.
6 2015-01-25 05:09:25
Re: W: 2x Sea, Karakas H: $$$ (7 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)
I may have an Italian Karakas M/NM if you are still in need. I have a second chance offer out for someone on ebay, and if he doesn't respond in 23 hours it is going into my sales here.