Part 2 ! tongue

You're right Kragg, I had not tough of the Lizardmens units...  how fool of me ! Thank you

March of the Damned scanned cards, enjoy !

I will post the ZIP in two parts because the file size is too large.

Just received my March of the Damned. Will scan the cards probably tomorrow... this week for sure.

Hummmm what do you think about the Savage ability ?  I think the Order lack of cards to do damage to his own unit (like Loremaster of Oeth) to make Savage efficient...

The Fall of Karak Grimaz scanned cards.

Watchstone of Athel Tamarha give 1 power.:o

The Burning of Derricksburg scanned cards !

The Great Cave Squig art is awesome... and funny ! lol


Juste received my Arcane Fire BP. Will scan the cards this week-end. big_smile