(0 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)

Need these cards in foil!!! Set doesn't matter unless listed.
2 Foundry Street Denizen - m15
4 Goblin Bushwhacker
4 Goblin Chieftain
4 Goblin Grenade
4 Legion Loyalist
3 Mogg War Marshal - mm1

Looking to trade for 2 scalding tarns.

I have lots of stuff for trade. Most of it is standard, ie. rhinos, KTK Fetches, Ugin, Etc. Look up my trade list for more!

Would be interested in trading for 2 of your snapcaster mages and 4 remand.
Your trade value tcg mid - 114.78

Have 1 hornet queen, 2 windswept, 4 rabblemaster (normal, non-promo) and 2 bloodstained mire (both are khans fethces).
my trade value tcg mid - 113.35

I can probably throw in something else around 1-2 bucks. I have a lot of new cards from FRF just you don't have anything else on wants list that I have. (also have chandra and 4 FNM Gitaxian probe, idk if you need probes still i saw you had them on your wishlist.)