Thank you for your hard work on "The List" listing. I feel more in control and love the way you solved the sorting problem.

Thanks again

sebi wrote:
sebastiansmagiccards wrote:

Uhm.. still looking for an answers hmm

Was the mystery playtest thing an actual booster you could buy or was this only included in another series?
If so, I would understand why there isn't a specific 'List' card for this anymore in the database.
If not, I still don't understand it sad

They are *almost* identical, the difference being the size of the little icon in the corner on them. The difference is so small that some people cannot tell them apart, to the point where people (and stores, and scryfall, and other websites) gave up trying to differentiate (since wizards clearly does want to differentiate them) and now treat them as the same.

I think he was referring to Mystery Booster Playtest Cards (CMB1) and Mystery Booster Playtest Cards 2021 (CMB2). Both list are still there and were untouched by the merge. They were a card inserted in each mystery booster and mystery booster 2021. The difference between those playtest cards was the presence or not of the planeswalker symbol. The symbol was present only in the first series CMB1.

Did I understand your question correctly?


I don't like the merger of The List and Mystery booster but I can live with it and I understand the reason behind the merge. Great job.

I'm not sure about the split by edition symbol. It screws with the sorting. It sorts by inside the edition symbol instead of all of them. I personally like to put all of those by alphabetical order since there's always new cards added to this list. It's easier to fetch in my real card collection. So you can understand that's its giving me a hard time right now, as I have to search for the edition it's in first then add it to my inventory.

So here's some suggestions
-Can the edition symbol sub section be made optional ? This way I can sort by any order like any other set.
-Can the edition symbol sub section be made sortable alphabetically ? Not my favorite, but still easier to sort by edition symbol sub set then search for my card in the list.

Of course, I could always do a CTRL-F

Thanks for your hard work