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As someone with collection OCD, it's very frustrating entering in Basic Lands/Tokens because they are in a separate set, called EXTRAS:<set name> I believe.  So when you set your default to Origins it will not default the lands/tokens to Origins.  It would be nice if the two were linked, or you could specify a different value for them because it really kills your rhythm when you are ripping open a booster box and every 13 cards need to stop, change the edition, and update.

valdor wrote:

Thanks Sebi., This is exactly what I as looking for and I greatly approve. As a general question, will there be some sort of punishment for someone that just sits there and reports massive number of people with no reason? I feel there needs to be to prevent abust of the system.

He did mention something along those lines, plus, he's (or someone else) reviewing these all manually I'm sure he'll notice that and be more annoyed by it than we are.

wonderdog79 wrote:

ok I am going to comment based on what I am reading as I read it so if it get jumbled, I apologize.

forth @Zyron, I personally have 2 accounts. I manage them for different purposes and also (before premium) traded to myself to move cards from one account to the other. I also have noted on my profiles that the other account exists. If someone was to try to do some shady things by "trading" between accounts they created, that is of course a bad thing. I personally check the references for anyone under 30 confirmed trades to see who they have been trading with to ensure nothing shady is going on. I also check the "member since" to see if the shady things mentioned above could be happening.

ninth @sidewayzracer/Amurphcs, buyer feedback is a decent idea. ebay does it and it shows that you are active on the site like Amurphcs states and not some inactive scammer. perhaps not even feedback but just a tally of how many purchases you have made through the site.

Just to clarify, I was referring to shady trading practices, not people legitimately using 2 accounts.  Mostly meaning that if there is a trading limit until you hit 25 trades, or $250 worth of trades, people can just open two/three/four+ accounts and just trade between them to hit those numbers.  Since they aren't actually trading anything they don't even need the cards or pay anything.  Maybe they do 1-2 legitimate trades to make it look better.  I'm just saying, cheaters gonna cheat.

Also, Ebay removed negative and neutral feedback for buyers, you can only leave positive feedback.  They did this because of the aforementioned reasons here, sellers would withhold feedback until a buyer left it then use it as a weapon if the buyer had a legitimate complaint.  For instance, a seller once sold me something not even close to what they advertised.  I paid return shipping on the item, so I was out a few bucks, and I left neutral feedback, not even negative.  The seller was so upset that he shorted me and made me pay return shipping that he left me bad feedback even though he sold an item that wasn't what he stated.  It's hard to have a system where buyer feedback is honest since it is basically another tool for bad sellers to use to pressure buyers into giving fake positive feedback instead of honest feedback.

One thing I would suggest, and I have no idea how often the issue arises based on this, but I would recommend implementing Multi-Factor Authentication.  On a site where hundreds/thousands of dollars of transactions are being made by individuals I'd imagine there are a decent amount of people attempting to hack into long-term accounts to send out bait trades and then just turn off the account after.

Also, this doesn't address the issue of someone creating multiple accounts, "trading" with themselves to reach the aforementioned goals, then doing the same thing.  Without some sort of account verification there is no good way to implement this.  Also, with one-time CC's they could just set up a verified account, cancel the pseudo-card and then you have no way to trace them, which is why Paypal is so important on other sites because the buyer is verified.