(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I'd be interested in your Snapcaster


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I accidentally submitted with a rationg of 0 instead of +1 on the following trade:


Also, it might be a good idea to allow users to submit changes after-the-fact to avoid these types of posts.  Perhaps you could send an e-mail to their trade partner letting them know feedback was updated so it couldn't be done completely stealthily, but mistakes like this can happen and it seems like it might be a decent addition.


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

As a heads up, it is unlikely you'll get 4 tix for a mother of runes.  Tickets equate to real life money, and generally when players sell their cards, they aren't getting retail price.  Because if they were, the buyer is likely to just buy from, well, a retailer.

Do they all have to be in English?  I have some U/C from a Japanese box of Rise of the Eldrazi that I opened in the collection, and I'm wondering if I can include those.