(0 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Now that Peter Twieg's indefinitely away, I'm not aware of any other traders on here who will take arbitrary Standard cards as long as the trade's monetarily in their favor by a certain percentage. Who else is in this niche? I'm a draft-only player who mostly just wants to get out of the volatile Standard cards I open for more stable eternal cards and am fine with taking a short-term loss to do this.


Bump; this is still available.

Has BFZ been mapped yet? I got these as prize packs from an LGS.

I would do 6 packs for an Abrupt Decay if you can also throw in a couple Brainstorms, Hymn to Tourachs, Ponders, Pyroblasts, or Lightning Bolts. Or, looking at your tradelist, a City of Brass or a Scatter to the Winds.

Looking for Kolaghan's Command, but also want to see your binder.

Near-mint (unplayed) prerelease promo Void Winnower.

Near-mint (unplayed) prerelease promo Void Winnower.