Sorry, I'm kind of a noob and I guess I'm pretty aimless at the moment. :C I figured doing trades would help me learn about card value and demand, as I'm not very familiar with what's seeing a lot of play in Modern.

I'm a pretty new collector by MTG standards, but I'm looking to trade my few precious Standard cards in exchange for Modern/Legacy cards of equal value.


  • Arcbound Ravager

  • Entreat the Angels

  • Phyrexian Obliterator

  • Primeval Titan

  • Karn Liberated

  • Batterskull

  • 2x Aether Vial

  • Garruk Relentless

  • Green Sun's Zenith

  • Isolated Chapel

  • Counterbalance

  • 3x Phyrexian Metamorph

  • Isochron Scepter

  • Havengul Lich

Check my Inventory for anything else notable, I'll be willing to trade anything if I like your offer. :]